Antimatter Memes of The Week
Happy Friday! 🎉 We are back with the best memes created this week on Antimatter to make it even happier. Just a reminder, today is the last day of March, and we are about 8 Mondays away from the summer break. *insert happy tears
Remember, these are real memes, created by real students, in their classroom.
This week's selection begins with Bravo TV drama at a shakespearean level, then we take a turn to some breaking bad nostalgia in the Chemistry lab and the pooh-ling power of gravity , and finally we finish this week's journey with broken dreams of Sudetenland. Enjoy!

Feeling inspired by these memes from classrooms around the world? Start your studio today, and get featured on our Memes of the Week newsletter! We cannot wait to celebrate your students' creations! Until next time, ciao!