Antimatter Memes of The Week πŸŽ‰

Esra Flora

Esra Flora

Community Manager at Antimatter
Los Angeles

Happy, happy Friday! πŸŽ‰ We are back with some awesome memes to get you started on the weekend. If you are ready for a scroll of LOLs, let's get going!

Remember, these are real memes, created by real students, in their classroom.

This week's selection begins with a meme from our Greek Mythology course (courses are new and hot, check them out here), and then we take a deep dive into history and go back to America in 17th century, and at the end, we visit a Physics classroom that memed about SchrΓΆdinger and a history class that's learning about the Silk road and its wonders-- Enjoy!

We all know the post-modernist Kronos 'Hannibal', but did you know about Kronos?


So am i dead or meow?

That's how they decided the build the 405.

Feeling inspired by these student memes from around the world? Start your activity today, and get featured on our Memes of the Week newsletter! It's all FREE. We cannot wait to celebrate your students' creations! Until next time, ciao!