(Semi) Professional Development with Antimatter
Hey there, awesome teachers! As we are wrapping up the school year of 2022-2023, we are thrilled to announce our summer Professional Development workshops. Whether you're...
- Experienced in having students create memes for formative assessment
- Intrigued but intimidated by memes for formative assessment
- A total skeptic
...this is an opportunity for teachers with every level of experience using memes in the classroom. Last year's workshops were a great success: Just about every teacher who attended had a great experience on Antimatter this past school year, and many teachers who weren't familiar with using memes expressed surprise at how powerful and easy meme creation is as a classroom exercise.
Said one teacher:
"I opened [Antimatter] the day of the seminar and have been using ever since. I created an entire slide deck on classroom etiquette that used memes to drive the point home. I'll be excited to see the students' responses.
Said another:
"I really enjoyed the workshop as I had never thought of memes as a storytelling device. Now it makes so much sense! Very excited to use Antimatter with my students this year.
We're running two workshops and two seminars this summer. Participants will receive a certificate of professional development for their participation.
Register Here 👇

Memes to an End: Meme creation for formative assessment
A workshop from an Antimatter teacher and veteran physics teacher who has been having students create memes for over a decade. Whether you're unsure about memes as a storytelling device or interested but intimidated by memes, you'll learn how to facilitate a fun and productive exercise with your classrooms.
- Tue, Aug 1 at 11am ET
- Tue, Aug 8 at 11am ET

Memes and SEL
We often associate memes with distractions, but memes are irrevocably part of the fabric of how young people learn about the world. “Memes and SEL" is a seminar devoted to the power of memes and the principles of social and emotional learning.
- Thu, Aug 3 at 3pm ET
- Thu, Aug 10 at 3pm ET
We're looking forward to seeing you at one of our workshops this summer!
As a final note, if you have any questions, please feel free to email us at support@antimatter.systems. Likewise, if you have an idea for a workshop or seminar you'd like to lead, we'd love to add you to the lineup, and connect you with our teachers, just reach out! :)