A Fun Activity To Keep Your Students Engaged During the Holiday Season 🎄
It’s almost that time of the year! If you hear Mariah Carey singing more than once a day, you know what I’m talking about. 🎶 With Thanksgiving in the rear view and the car hurtling toward Christmas, keeping your students engaged in your classroom during the busy holiday season can be challenging. Between the holiday excitement and final exams, it can be easy for students to feel stressed out and uninspired.
Whether you teach K-12 or college students, there are ways you can help them keep their energy up during this hectic time of year. Here's an amazing activity you can do on Antimatter (get started here 👉🏽 https://antimatter.systems) to keep your students engaged during the holiday season...
A Meme Competition to Finish the Semester 🎁
Give your students a chance to express what they've learned this semester in a way that's great for students—did you know that everyone under 18 years old is bilingual in their native tongue + memes?—and you as a teacher—you get to watch your students tell novel stories through memes.

Here's how to guide your students' meme competition on Antimatter:
- Structure the activity as a competition with several winners. Optionally, you can offer some type of small reward or extra points.
- Advise students that their meme should demonstrate that they understand a particular fact/concept/equation.
- Advise students that their memes should require the person who is reading it to think about the subject matter. You can explicitly ask them to make the memes “puzzle-like".
- Advise students that if someone does not “get” your meme, there should be some word/phrase that they can look up to learn more.
And here’s the most important thing to advise against:
- Memes should not be about the class but rather should be about the subject matter. This ensures that only high-quality memes are submitted.
If you'd like to know more details about this activity, you can read Matthew's blog post he wrote specifically for this assignment, and how it went for his classroom.
If you are ready to set up your studio for your classroom, simply click below, and ta daaa!
Have a question or need help? Email us at support@antimatter.systems