The students who will lead the world
We like to say that we didn't invent Antimatter, we discovered it. Teachers were already inviting their students to make memes in class for what teachers call formative assessment. Antimatter just made it easier and better to run meme creation activities in the classroom.
We've had a front row seat to all the creativity, ingenuity and joy that happens in the Antimatter community and wanted to share it with you all. So we made a video!
Antimatter got its start in classrooms, where we enable teachers to run meme creation activities with their students. We also support classrooms with Sorcerer, an AI-powered instructional coach.
If you're new to Antimatter, check out all the amazing creations made by students and teachers. It's like a sneak peek at a generation that will one day lead the world.
In fact the mission at Antimatter is to bridge the gap between learning in the classroom and learning in the real world. That's why we're taking the next step beyond the classroom, enabling students to lead their peers around the world.
Beyond the Classroom: Antimatter Universe

We're wrapping up the private pilot program for our student-to-student app, Antimatter Universe. A place for smart, creative, ambitious students to make memes and collages and illustrations that teach other students around the world. A community where those students can be expressive and outrageous and ingenious. An app where students can learn and earn real rewards for their valuable work in teaching others.
Check out Antimatter Universe, where you can join the waitlist as we roll out the app beyond our pilot program.
Already interested for yourself or your student? Drop your email.