Antimatter Memes of The Week

Esra Flora

Esra Flora

Community Manager at Antimatter
Los Angeles

Happy Friday! 🎉 We are back with the best memes of the week to get you started on the weekend!

Remember, these are real memes, created by real students, in their classroom. If you want to see your own meme here on May 12th, and join our Teachers Meme Competition that's starting next week, click here. 🎉

This week's selection begins with quantum physics and then we take a trip to ancient Egypt, and at the end we feel for the anarchists of Haymarket Square and remember history's most known drama with a side eye -- Enjoy!

Louis de Broglie, why are you like dis?

Akhenaten woke up one morning, and chose violence.

Fighting for 8-hour work day :(

E: Romeo was closest to Romeo. 

Feeling inspired by these student memes from around the world? Start your activity today, and get featured on our Memes of the Week newsletter! We cannot wait to celebrate your students' creations! Until next time, ciao!